About Us
You’re the Woman for the Job!
Working Women Worship is also about creating resources to empower women who are navigating their pathway to Avodah. We believe that women who are a part of Working Women Worship are transformed and facilitate transformation. For us Avodah is about how we live and how we give, but especially about how we love.
- Work-Life Transition coaching and webinars (support for job changes and network support)
- Communications using assessment tools, workshop, and coaching
- Provision of food to members in need and those in transition
- We facilitate workshops designed to equip women for success and significance in this world including workshops on visioning, financial health, and leadership
- Provide materials and workshops on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for women in transition (job loss and change, relationship management, parenting).
We Contribute to nonprofits like Celebrating Life Foundation, Nyeri Schools in Kenya, Woman of Gilgal (Addiction Recovery Transition Home) in Fulton County, EWOE (Teen Girls), PM South Africa Tiny House Project.
Praise Break
Join us for praise break every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 12:30pm on Zoom. To request the zoom code send an email to inquire@workingwomenworship.local